Thursday, November 17, 2011


Dr. Melanie Barton- Host of Voice America THE DR. MELANIE SHOW- has started treatment. She collected information and educated herself on multiple myeloma BEFORE she met with specialists, and was able to self advocate a course of treatment that was right for her.

Myeloma occurs when cancerous plasma cells take up room in the bone marrow cavity and don't allow the bone marrow to produce anti-bodies to fight common illness like the cold virus. Multiple myeloma is the appearance of many of these cancerous areas in the bones.

Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma:

Some people with multiple myeloma have many symptoms while others may not have any. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Bone pain, especially in your back
Feeling very tired
A low grade fever
Weight loss
Pale complexion

The symptoms listed above may be symptoms of other medical problems, or just natural occurrences associated with, physical labor, stress or other life changes. The warning sign that all may not be well is persistence. Prolonged symptoms may be your body speaking to you. Listen and respond.

Talk to your health care provider about any questions you may have regarding your particular situation. Self advocate until you are heard and get an acceptable response from the medical community.

Approximately 60,000 people in the United States have multiple myeloma and more than 20,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Research has made wonderful progress in treating myeloma and multiple myeloma.

Dr. Melanie contacted me after our interview to say she had known something was wrong with her health for weeks before our program and sought medical advice, but the doctors kept sending her home with a clean bill of health. After our interview, she returned to the hospital and refused to take "Go home, you're healthy," as an answer and DEMANDED a different set of tests. She self-advocated and got the tests she needed to prove she knew her body. She was right, the doctors and first tests they had relied on were wrong.

Our hearts and prayers are with you Dr. Melanie and we wish you a quick recovery. Here is the link to the radio interview just days before she was diagnosed.

Dr. Melanie has given me her permission to share this story with everyone. It may be a way to save another life-one person at at time. See More
Surviving and Conquering Cancer | VoiceAmerica™

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Surviving and Conquering Cancer | VoiceAmerica™
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