Wednesday, October 9, 2013

3 Pillars and 2 Ways to Do DreamWork... and YOU

Introduction: My guest blogger today is David Dibble, who is the creator of DreamWork, host of the DreamWork Global Summit and lead teacher/host of DreamWork Day and the DreamWork Coach Certification Program. David’s message, commitment and mission are to take DreamWork into the world in a significant and meaningful way that touches the lives of 100 million dreamers, creating a tipping point that raises human consciousness globally.

David believes that most of the time cancer, or any disease, is a message that a person has been unwilling in some way to hear or act upon. If one can get the message, often the disease is no longer necessary. David also believes the message that needs to be heard and acted upon is encoded in every dream. 

That means the answers to your dis-ease are in your dreams.
Something special is happening during Breast Cancer Awareness month, for YOU!   
I will share the work of esteemed guest bloggers and friends like Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Larry Burk of the International Society of the Study of Dreams and Dream Diagnosis of Cancer, David Dibble of DreamWorks & the Panacea Community, and many more. These respected scholars will share  profound messages and tips for healing with you.

My blogs on surviving cancer using dreams, prayers and meditations will be on their blog sites, accessible by their bio, and they will share four articles, blogs and  stories about how to access dreams to uncover the hidden messages relating to cancer and other diseases. This is our way of saying, “We care!” Enjoy.

The 3 Pillars of DreamWork

At 24, I started a company in a garage with $5000 and built it to a profitable $10 million in sales & 200 employees. Based upon the work of Deming & Senge, I became a workplace systems expert. After 8 years with don Miguel Ruiz, we're one of two companies worldwide licensed to teach The Four Agreements at Work.

Over the last eight years, we have done a lot of ConsciousSystems improvement work in hospitals that we believe is unprecedented. You can check out the detailed report below on the outcomes produced in both large and small hospitals using our ConsciousSystems approach. It would be nice to find a kindred spirit hospital CEO who wanted to create a model of possibility in healthcare. But we have bigger issues, too.

Humanity is at a tipping point where it appears only a rise in human consciousness will solve our many problems. DreamWork is, we believe, meant to be a catalyst for just such a global rise in human consciousness. Let me explain.

DreamWork is 3 bodies of knowledge (Pillars) that accelerate human and workplace transformation like nothing before it.

The 3 Pillars of DreamWork are:

1. Dream Assignments (asking profound questions & receiving perfect guidance in a dream)

2. CharacterTypes (Right Actions to take to follow the guidance of Inner Wisdom)

3. ConsciousSystems (The transformation of both systems and people in the workplace)

DreamWork is a methodology for creating a direct connection with Inner Wisdom through “Dream Assignments,” asking life’s most profound questions, and receiving perfect guidance in a dream. It is a systematic and profound approach to spiritual and personal growth that also focuses on health. 

Our Dream Assignments tell us that we are to take DreamWork into the world in a significant and meaningful way. 

We are to do this in 2 ways: 

1. By certifying and supporting life and executive coaches to coach DreamWork

2. By teaching leaders and consultants the simple elegance of ConsciousSystems.

After four years of preparation for this mission, we're now taking our first steps on what we believe will be a most inspiring journey--one we can't make alone. If something here resonates with you, let's talk and see if we can help each other. To learn more, you can get a free copy of my book, DreamWork, from our site.

By David Dibble

Guest BIO:
David Dibble, a former CEO of a successful technology company, is an author, keynote speaker, trainer, consultant, executive coach, systems thinker, and a practical spiritual teacher. He is the creator of DreamWork, DreamWorkDNA, & The Four Agreements at Work, based upon his eight years of work directly with don Miguel Ruiz, author of the best-selling book The Four Agreements. He is the host of the first ever DreamWork Global Summit and the creator and host of DreamWork Day, a global celebration of dreams, dreaming and dreamworkers. David is the master instructor of the DreamWork Coach Certification Program and winner of the prestigious T Award for innovation in coaching. He can be reached at or

As a guest blogger, I give Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos permission to use and post the following blogs. David Dibble 10/2/2013

BIO: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, Intuitive Life Coach, survived three breast cancers, wrote SURVIVING CANCERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing (Cypress House, Jan 2014) websites: Surviving Cancerland & Access Your Inner Guide, Hosts Living Well Talk Radio , Cancer Q&A columnist CapeWomenOnlineMagazine, Breast Cancer Yoga, Dream Queen columnist- Wellness Woman 40 & Beyond, Your Dream Intrepretation ,  WakeUpWomen; R.A. BLOCH Cancer Foundation Hotline Counselor. Represented by Steve Allen Media

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