Sunday, July 6, 2014

How to Enter Your Sacred Dream Doors: 5 Easy Steps

How To Enter Your Sacred Dream Doors: 5 Easy Steps

Your dreams are the doorways to a parallel universe where passed over loved ones, guardian angels and spirit guides can speak with you. These conversations can take place using words or pictures and signs from the language of Universal Symbolism, and your own dream language.

Your personal dream language can be confusing. You may feel much like Alice from Wonderland  in Lewis Carroll’s book Through the Looking-Glass’s when she encountered the frightening Jabberwocky in the forest.  Alice could not see the forest for the trees and could not completely understand the Jabberwocky for the words. Alice understood enough words to know there was an important message for her in the frightening dreamscape. 

Nightmares are always an important message that can lead us out of the dark.

That is often the case in your dream world-your dreamscape.   The information can help you find your way out of the deep dark woods of life, but first you must understand the dream language.

That is part of the challenge of finding your way through the Sacred Doors of your Dream World filled with information and guidance for a better and more fulfilled life. 

These sacred doors connect you with your innate Spirit-guides. You are born with them. You are their job and they take that job seriously.

When you are in crisis of any kind that includes but is not limited to; health, wealth or relationships, those sacred doors are always open. The only way they can close is if you choose to shut them.

If you feel your doors are not open and therefore you do not receive the information you need to live your life purpose, circumnavigate the torturous  waters of an emotional storm, receive guidance on a life threatening illness or live your life to the fullest, just ask for the sacred doors to open and you will receive.

 Your request will be heard and answered. It is the Universal Law. 

Connecting with your Spirit Guides is as easy as one, two, three.

Here are five strategies for doing so.

1.) Set your intention to the Universe, because it is always listening. Tell the Universe that you wish to meet your Spirit guides in your dreams tonight.

2.) Write your intention on a piece of paper and place it beneath your pillow. You are acting out the requested event by taking an abstract idea (meeting your guides) and making it concrete (writing)  by putting it on a piece of paper. You are taking an idea from the fourth dimension and bringing it into the third dimension of existence. You are connecting these parallel universes with your written intention.

3.) Now, “sleep on your intention.”  Sleeping  on it is a more than a play on words. It is the key to opening the Sacred Doors to answers within the dream world. Everyone has access to these Sacred Doors. 

4.) In the morning, write down your dream in your dream journal. If you don’t have a dream journal, go to and download the FREE guidebook in the right-side column. Put the dream journal pages in a note book binder beside your bed. (Replenish the pages when you need more.) Use the free dream journal pages as your own personal dream journal.

5.) Watch for the people, animals and plants in your dream. Underline them and write your feelings about them. What did they say to you? What colors did you see during the dream.

You may have just met some of your guides.  Now, watch for the validation during the day that verifies that your dream was guidance. Validation is very personal. You will know immediately when you get it. You will feel like you have just experienced an “Ah-ha” moment. 

Meeting your Spirit guides and guardians will be a positive turning point in your life. It will be the beginning of the next phase of your life-purpose-journey toward your destiny. This is a path you will only travel once in this life time, so enjoy every step of it and remember to smell, the flowers, listen to the animals and walk with the guides in your dreams.
(this excerpt is from Kat’s free Dream Guidebook on her website )

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos- International bestselling author, SURVIVING CANCERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, 3x Breast Cancer Survivor whose dreams diagnosed cancer, Syndicated Radio Host,  Intuitive Dream Life Coach,  speaker, & “go-to authority” on Survivor- to-Thriver in Health, Wealth & Relationships.  Kat presents at Medical and Life Expos, Radio Shows, Health Events, Magazines, & TV.

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