Sunday, January 20, 2013

When Given a Choice- Take Both!


“Our body is a machine for living.  It is organized for that, it is its nature.  Let life go on in it unhindered and let it defend itself, it will do more than if you paralyze it by encumbering it with remedies.”  ~Leo Tolstoy


         It is time to stop ignoring ourselves! What I seek to present in this article is an alternative to ignoring our intuition in favor of science or ignoring science in favor of intuition.  Why limit ourselves with one when we can use both to our advantage?

 Don’t be a victim of circumstances.

 The best way to survive any crisis is to:

·                  mix intuitional and scientific information and then

·                  cross-check them against each other for answers that are indisputably correct.


Listen, then verify. Believe but validate. By respecting both of these modalities in life, we double our chances of finding correct answers.


It is time to stop ignoring ourselves, discover our voice and speak our truth. Every challenge we overcame creates a new part of our inner voice/personality. In order to effectively battle crisis we must:


·                  get in touch with our inner selves and

·                  work together toward the goal of survival by using everything available to us.


By searching within ourselves through:

·                  dreams,

·                  meditation,

·                  or prayer,

we will find our own set of answers to any challenge.


            When faced with crisis many of us are engulfed by fear of the unknown. When my intuitive suspicion of breast cancer was medically confirmed, I considered suicide as a means of freeing myself from a painful uncertainty. I wanted to avoid the gruesome death Mom had suffered from cancer sixteen months earlier. Before I had time to fully grieve for Mom, I was grieving for myself.


             Unfortunately, when facing crisis, many of us forget that we are armed with lessons learned throughout life. In order to be successful:


·                  Our inner selves must become reunited in the goal to survive.


·                  Everyone battling any life-threatening crisis has his or her own set of questions concerning treatment and survival.


           Questions concerning intuition often remain unanswered by the medical field and conventional society. Spiritual guides, angels, intuition, gut instincts, call them what you will, “voices” and dreams have gotten a bad rap in society. Just ask Joan of Arc.  Her voices were a double-edged sword that led to victory in battle and then to the stake as a witch. Yet, dreams saved my life.  Without the intervention of my inner-voices, I believe I would be dead, and this article would be a buried idea.


Join me again for part 2 of this article when I discuss the rules to a prosperous life and guardian angels as described by Padre Pio In his book Send Me Your Guardian Angel.

This article is a compilation of context taken from the book SURVIVING TRAUMALAND: The Intuitive Aspects of Healing by Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos.



Learn more about Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos @   where you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. And join her @  & on her 3 radio shows @


Dream related articles:





Part II- When Given a Choice- Take Both


“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

- Vincent van Gogh”


 Part I of this article covered the importance of listening to yourself for a more fulfilling life.  In section II we will discuss playing the Game of Life to win, inner-voices, guardian angels, church and how they are all a part of not ignoring ourselves.  


 In the book Send Me Your Guardian Angel, about the life of Padre Pio, his Guardian Angel first appeared to him when he was still a boy.  “He took the semblance of another child and made himself visible only to him.  Later Padre Pio called his Guardian Angel/Spiritual Guide ‘the companion of my infancy.’” This describes my invisible childhood friend, Gee-Gee, who later became a full spiritual guide and lifesaving Guardian Angel when I was fighting for my life.


             If I’ve learned one thing these past ten years of treatment and success it is this:


·                  You seldom get anywhere by standing on the sidelines of the game of Life and Death with crossed fingers waiting for someone else to take action for you.

·                  Life is not a spectator sport.

·                  You are responsible for yourself.

·                  Play!


Our inner self uses signs and symbols that include and go beyond dreams to communicate with us, especially during any crisis that can include divorce, financial problems and health.  No matter how confusing they may seem our dreams are always telling us something. Here are some other ways to get validation in life:


·                  Synchronicities can be validations.

·                  Listen to your fears, but don’t let them rule your life.  Let them guide you to action.

·                  Be a squeaky wheel until you are acknowledged. 

·                  Don’t take no for an answer.

·                  Don’t settle for less.

·                  And don’t be dismissed.


Hoping someone else makes the right decisions for you when you are in crisis is a half-plan missing a vital component and your biggest resource: YOU!


               Listen to yourself. Take care of your Spirit and it will take care of you.


 This article is a compilation of context taken from the book SURVIVING TRAUMALAND: The Intuitive Aspects of Healing by Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos.

Learn more about Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos @   where you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. And join her @ & on her 3 radio shows @

 Dream related articles: 

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